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to be formally introduced, also proposed to “immediately dismiss” all lawsuits related to implementation of Issue 1 and threatened judges who refused to do so with a “misdemeanor” — a violation that could lead to impeachment. Days after Issue 1 was formally adopted into the You Get Me Closer To God Shirt so you should to go to store and get this Ohio Constitution on Dec. 7, the state Supreme Court sent a case challenging a proposed six-week abortion ban in the state (a law Issue 1 effectively undid) back down to a lower court. As a result, Ohio political observers predict that abortion opponents are likely to begin discussing future referendums that would roll back some of the specific protections to reproductive health care offered by Issue 1. Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman, a Republican, last month promised a “revolving door of ballot campaigns to repeal or replace Issue 1.” “I would be surprised if Ohio did not have some kind of effort in the next two years to roll back what we just approved,” said Entin,

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the You Get Me Closer To God Shirt so you should to go to store and get this law professor. He added that it’s “very likely,” even following the decisive Issue 1 victory, that the issue gets volleyed around from one proposed ballot measure to another. In Kansas — a red state where voters overwhelmingly struck down a proposed constitutional amendment in August 2022 that would have removed language enshrining reproductive rights in the state — conservative lawmakers introduced 20 bills in this year’s legislative session that proposed restrictions on abortion to varying degrees. Ultimately, Kansas lawmakers overrode Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s vetoes on several anti-abortion bills, including one that mandated additional criminal penalties for abortion providers in the state and another that required abortion providers to notify patients that medication abortion is reversible — a claim doctors say isn’t supported by science. “It was a tough session,” said Anamarie Rebori-Simmons, of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, the group’s political arm in Kansas and other neighboring states. “Kansans spoke loud and clear on the issue” in 2022, she said, “and it’s tough that lawmakers continued to go after reproductive health care after a decisive vote.” And in Michigan, a successful 2022 ballot measure to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution led to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer repealing a 92-year-old abortion ban this year and signing additional abortion protections into law. That’s led to abortion opponents suing to try to block further implementation of the ballot measure. “Why wouldn’t conservatives be engaged to stop these anti-women bills?” said Kelsey Pritchard, the director of state public affairs for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, an anti-abortion group that has been active in supporting conservative efforts to combat reproductive rights in Michigan and Ohio. Anti-abortion groups are also fighting efforts by

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