Burgerstee – In June We Wear Orange Gun Violence Awareness Day T-Shirt

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decision. “In his obsessive quest to tee himself up for a presidential campaign, Youngkin is continuing to ignore the In June We Wear Orange Gun Violence Awareness Day T-Shirt but in fact I love this basic needs of Virginians to bolster his standing with the MAGA base,” Swecker wrote in a statement. DeSantis sending Florida law enforcement to Texas border MAY 17, 202303:10 McMaster said the move is necessary for the “safety and security of South Carolinians.” “At the request of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, I have directed the deployment of South Carolina National Guard troops to Texas to help hold the line on the Southern border,” McMaster said in a statement. “The safety and security of South Carolinians require that we stop the drug cartels, criminals, and terrorists from entering our country to peddle their poison.” Details about how many troops South Carolina will deploy will be finalized in the coming weeks, with the goal of deployment by July 1, McMaster’s office said. Youngkin and McMaster said Abbott briefed them last week. Recommended CONGRESS A break-glass option, gumbo and a bike ride: How the debt ceiling deal got done DEBT CEILING CRISIS Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling bill passes the House and will head to the Senate “Given the intensive resource demands on Texas, the dangers posed by the fentanyl crisis, and impact of the border crisis on criminal activity to the Commonwealth, Virginia will do its part to assist the State of Texas’ efforts with the coordinated deployment of Virginia National Guard soldiers to assist in key aspects of their mission,” Youngkin said. Abbott’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, also a Republican, announced this month that he is sending more than 1,100 state law enforcement agents and National Guard members to Texas’ border with Mexico. The number is a tenfold increase compared to a similar move in 2021. DeSantis issued his announcement weeks before he launched his 2024 presidential campaign last week. DeSantis’ office said at the time that personnel would be at the border for 30 days, with possible extensions. Abbott and DeSantis have blamed President Joe Biden for the influx of migrants at the southern border. DeSantis signed a sweeping immigration overhaul bill a day before the Biden administration ended Title 42, a Covid restriction that expedited the expulsion of migrants. Meanwhile, Abbott has bused migrants to Democratic cities, and he told Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot in a letter this month that the move is necessary “until Biden secures the border to stop the inflow of mass migration.”

In June We Wear Orange Gun Violence Awareness Day T-Shirt

Democratic lawmakers reintroduced a bill on Wednesday aimed at breaking down the In June We Wear Orange Gun Violence Awareness Day T-Shirt but in fact I love this persistent stigmas associated with mental health in the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. The legislation, first shared with NBC News, coincides with the final day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Called the Stop Mental Health Stigma in Our Communities Act, it would instruct the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to partner with local advocacy and behavioral health organizations to provide outreach and education strategies. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, known collectively as AANHPI, have faced “a growing mental health crisis in recent years, including increasing deaths by suicide of AANHPI youth,” said Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif, who introduced the bill in 2016 and is among several lawmakers re-introducing it. “As the only psychologist currently serving in Congress, I know how critical it is to remove the barriers attached to seeking mental health care as well as reduce the stigma and raise awareness of mental health issues.” The bill — which is being re-introduced in the House by Chu and Rep. Grace Napolitano, D-Calif., and in the Senate by Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii — would additionally instruct the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to conduct research and collect disaggregated data on mental health among Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander youths and behavioral health providers. So far, it’s received support from dozens of groups, including the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association, Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum, and Empowering Pacific Islander Communities. Lawmakers pointed to statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that showed these communities had the lowest rates of mental

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